Health & Health Information Working animals, including horses , mules, oxen, water buffalo, camels, llamas, alpacas, donkeys, and canines, have for centuries been used to assist cultivate fields, harvest crops, wrangle other animals, and transport farm merchandise to patrons. Animal husbandry antedated farming-of-crops agriculture and developed along with it. Sheep have been domesticated in Mesopotamia between 13,000 and 11,000 years in the past. Cattle were domesticated from the wild aurochs in the areas of contemporary Turkey and Pakistan some 10,500 years ago. Pig manufacturing emerged in Eurasia, including Europe, East Asia and Southwest Asia, where wild boar have been first domesticated about 10,500 years ago. You can observe runs, set measurable goals, and evaluation your stats to benefit from the outcomes of all that hard work. Six motivating voices could be personalized to relay your pace, distance, and time, and personalised plans make you more likely to get up and out ...